Green Square at The Drum Business Jam: How can agencies get the jump on 2017? December 2016

19th December 2016

Tony Walford was deligthed to join The Drum Business Jam December event –  How can agencies get the jump on 2017?

Exploring what 2017 has in store for agency owners who are looking to grow their businesses, Tony considered what is going to be happening in agencyland, the outlook for growing independent agencies in the UK and where opportunities will lie.

Discussing who will be looking to buy and sell, what the on-going impact of Brexit will be and the result of the US Presidential election, Tony offered insights into what the next 12 months may hold.

The final Drum Business Jam event of the year brought together a variety of business and economic experts to consider what 2017 has in store for ambitious businesses, and to offer their vision of where the opportunities for serious agency growth might come from.

Tony said “I’m humbled by the positive feedback I received from a fantastic audience. I really enjoyed this presentation as it represented an amalgam of economic forecasting and the latest thinking following Brexit and the Trump vote. This coupled with what we are seeing in the M&A market, taking into account the market metrics affecting marketing services businesses and the significant activity we are seeing demonstrates there is real high potential for 2017.”

Please email Debbie Hyde for more information or to be invited to a future Green Square event.